Sunday, December 28, 2008
My Little Family!
Posted by Kinsey at 12/28/2008 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Our Christmas Fun!
So, Christmas was a long, but good day. I'll make this short. As I was finishing wrapping Kambree woke up at 1:30am and stayed up til 4am. Wes woke up at 6:30 and the day started, on 2 1/2 hours of sleep. We opened presents, it was so fun to see Wesley excited about it, Kambree was cute too, and than headed over to my mom's house for breakfast. We opened more presents and went back home for kids' naps and final cleaning and cooking for dinner. My motherinlaw, sisterinlaw, and her boyfriend came over and I cooked a big turkey dinner. I was very proud of how it turned out, very yummy! It was the first time I did it, we put the turkey in a pit and it turned out great, thanks Kari's inlaws!, and I had fun preparing it! Wesley was so wired from the day so he went to bed late, so I was up for a long time with no sleep, but it was well worth it!
Posted by Kinsey at 12/27/2008 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kambree is 5 months!
Kambree is such a cutie! She is so interested in what everyone's doing and has to know where a noise is coming from and what's making it. She loves to watch Wesley with whatever he's doing and will laugh at him when he's running around crazy.
She turned 5 months on Nov 20 and loves to hold onto anything and test it out with her mouth
Wesley's new thing is that before any trip in the car he has to have a turn in the driver's seat. He honks the horn, steers the wheel, and hits every button more than once! He's so funny!
Posted by Kinsey at 11/29/2008 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kyler's favorite meal is mashed potatoes and gravy and would seriously have an entire plate full before moving on to the rest of the meal. This is my sister making my brother jealous for my mom's yummy mashed potatoes. I am so grateful for the hard work my brother is doing in Montana!
Posted by Kinsey at 11/28/2008 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We Are Not Ready For Potty Training!
So, this post is kind of gross, but I know for sure Wes is not ready for potty training, not yet. I rarely let Wes just run around in his birthday suit, but I was getting him ready for his bath tonight and he took off and thought it was funny to run around the house, so I let him while I'm doing other things and after a few minutes of not hearing him I find him in the bathroom, and he won't let me in. I peek through and there is poop... everywhere! He stepped in it and smeared it everywhere, I think the sickest, biggest mess there's ever been. And of course I had to clean it because Robbie had warned me not to leave him naked, so it will be awhile before we do that again. I just had to laugh while cleanin it up because it was totally my fault.
Posted by Kinsey at 11/09/2008 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!
These costumes were so cute but all too small. The giraffe was given to me and the monkey was from last year, but he's so cute in them! By the time I tried on the dog, he was tired of playing dress up, I don't blame him.
Posted by Kinsey at 11/02/2008 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Finally, An Update
So, life has been pretty crazy getting used to our new schedules with me working every night and Robbie working 2 jobs, so there isn't much extra time for fun blogging, but the kids are still cute and we are still having a good time! Wesley is so funny and does not like to sit still, so anyone with cute ideas to keep kids quiet, especially during church let me know. He is happy as long as he's kept busy, but I love running around with him!
Kambree is so much fun! She just had her checkup and is off the charts for both height and weight, she's a little michelin baby! She's rollin and jabberin and unfortunately, knows when I'm not there, because she cries until I get home, which can be a couple hours. Little stinker, she just started doing that and is about to drive her daddy crazy.
Posted by Kinsey at 10/28/2008 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Getting Big!
Posted by Kinsey at 10/03/2008 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank You, Thank You!!!
I'd like to thank my friend Jami for giving me this wonderful reward! I am so honored to receive this award! I've only been blogging for a year, and to have such an honor, wow! I'd like to thank my kiddos that give me things to blog about, my husband for all his support, my parents and siblings who let me share some of their life on my blog as well, my brother who is letting me blog for him while he is serving his mission, and last but not least my friends who check up on my family just to see how we are! I am proud to except this award!
The rules are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog. 2. Link to the person you received your award from. 3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated. 6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking every body’s mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and the kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant!The lucky five that i give this award to are:
Lindsey Asburry for being such a great person! We grew up as friends when we were younger and now we get to work together and get together at times with our kids. She's so much fun and I am glad that we are still friends!
Karilyn Wax for being an awesome sister! I really look up to her and love spending time with her family! I enjoy being in Primary together (for now). I love her fun and creative personality!
Tairi Stewart for being a great friend! Sometimes it's hard to get time to get together, but I know she's always there! We became friends in beauty school and I love to talk with her, just like the old days!
Kathy Hinton for being a fabulous mother! I started her blog for her, but haven't sat down and shown her how to do it, but she'll be a blogger soon! She is so caring and will do anything she can for anyone who needs help. She is a great teacher to all her preschoolers and I really look up to her!
Laura Blue for always making cute comments on everyone's blogs! Even though you don't live here anymore it is fun to see your cute family and your little girl get so big! I miss doin your hair, hope your hairdressor there is makin ya cute!
Posted by Kinsey at 9/23/2008 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Cute Kiddos
Wesley is kind of the opposite, he's a lot of fun, but harder to keep happy. I gave him another haircut and I love it short, so that's how it's stayin. This is him eating the mousse bottle after his haircut. Yummy.
I've been working on my brother's blog so check it out. it's He leaves Wednesday morning for the MTC. I'm so happy and excited for him, but sad not to see him for 2 years.
Posted by Kinsey at 9/22/2008 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's Been Awhile...
So here's a recap of some events that have been going on. My brother's open house was on the 23rd and it was great! My mom and her friends put together a great reception! It was so nice to see relatives and friends that I haven't seen for awhile.
Wesley's haircut...I finally gave in and cut Wes' hair. You'd think I would cut it all the time being a hairdresser, but it took him such a long time for his hair to fill in that I didn't want to. I didn't go as short as I wanted, thinking he wouldn't be good, but he was so cute. He stood up on the chair while Robbie entertained him unwrapping candies. He was so good and since he did good soon I am going to give him a crew cut.
Posted by Kinsey at 9/03/2008 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Crazy Kids
Kambree is 2 months now and getting so big, she's a little chunker! She's so observant and loves to be held up on my shoulder so she can see everything! It's so funny when I put her on her tummy she doesn't try to put her head up, her butt goes up and her feet start kickin and she actually scoots herself across the floor.
Posted by Kinsey at 8/17/2008 2 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Utah Trip
Posted by Kinsey at 8/15/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Kambree was blessed this past Sunday. She looked so cute. My mom made her dress, which has a story behind it. The bottom piece is material from my mom's wedding dress, the top is my wedding dress, the middle lace is my sister's wedding dress, and the rose buds are from my niece Daisy's baptism dress, and it turned out so good. My mom is great! The blessing went good, my dad was able to bless her, I'm so greatful for him. Quite a few of my relatives were able to come and Robbie's mom and sister came too. So, besides Wes screamin and Robbie havin to step out, it was very special.
Posted by Kinsey at 8/05/2008 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
There are a lot of firsts in childrens lives. Yesterday Kambree smiled for the first time, I can mostly get her to smile when I laugh funny. It's so cute, so hopefully we can catch a pic soon of it. Wesley went to nursery at church for the first time yesterday. I was really nervous because of what a stinker he is. But to my surprise he was so good, I was so happy. I kept peekin in on him and he was just playin, havin fun, until the last 10 minutes, when my sister went in to do singing with them and I guess she reminded him of me and he just wanted out. So overall I was proud of him, I am so grateful there's nursery because trying to play the piano in primary with him running around was hard!
Posted by Kinsey at 7/28/2008 2 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Babies!
This is Kambree at 4 weeks, she is getting so chubby! I love chubby babies! She is awake more everyday and she's so interested in what's around her. It's amazing how fast they grow.
Posted by Kinsey at 7/23/2008 3 comments