Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Fam

Kambree is such a sleeper, which is a complete opposite of how Wesley was - wide eye from birth, so it's been hard to get pics with her eyes open. But when she's awake she's so sweet, loves to look around and cuddle. It's crazy having a baby that seems so small, Wes was 9 lbs. Her tiny, even though 7 1/2 lbs isn't tiny, little body is just so cute. I'm so grateful to have her come into my home!

Wesley has had a very hard time sharing his mommy with Kambree, which makes it very hard for me. He gets really upset when I pick up the baby or change her diaper. I try to give him his own special attention, I guess it will just take time for him to get over it and love his sissy. This pic is of him playing with my checkbook, minus the important things. He loves to play with the cards, sticking them in and out of the slots. I love my goofy little boy!


Laura Blue said...

she is just adorable. she has such cute clothes too! i love the dress with the hearts on it. and that blanket looks so soft and i would love to cuddle in it as well. so are you still working at all or just going to do stuff on the side from now on? kambree looks a lot like wes... good combo of the both of you. cute kids. i hope wes starts to act a little better about sharing you and being around her. cute cute. sorry i'm rambling. later

The Williamson's said...

Congrats! Do you love having a girl? She is so CUTE!!!