Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kambree Ann Is Here!

I went in on Friday the 20th for a c-section with Kambree. It was a crazy experience after getting all prepped knowing that the baby would be here very very soon. After the surgery started the baby was out within 10-15 min. The whole thing took just about 45 min. She was born at 8:10am and came in weighing 7lbs 9oz and was 20 in long. She seemed so tiny compared to Wesley when he was born. I started recovering at the hospital very quickly and convinced the doctor and nurses to let my go home early, only 32 hours after surgery. So I got home Saturday afternoon and it has been fun having a sweet little baby here.

I was mostly concerned about Wesley and how he'd do without me and when the baby came home. Things have been pretty good so far, but it is hard reminding myself to take it easy. I pretty much can't do anything, so it is hard for Wes to understand why I can't pick him up. Robbie has been such a great help and I am going to miss him when he goes back to work on Tuesday. So as of Tuesday my life will be hectic trying to take it easy and take care of the needs of a newborn and Wesley.
Kambree has quite a bit of hair, medium brown, kind of curly. She has long skinny fingers and long and skinny feet. She has a dimple on each cheek and has the cutest little round head. She already loves to suck on her hands and it is so cute when she's sucking her thumb, I know she must have done that in the womb. She grabs on so tight to poeples fingers and is such a good baby. Her little cry is so quiet and she only gets upset when she's hungry, which I don't blame her I do the same haha. I am so grateful she's here!


Strider & Jana said...

Yeah! She is here and absolutely gorgeous Kinsey! I mean it- she is one darling little girl. I'm glad things went well. Good luck with everything this week! -Jana

Tairi said...

Good job robbie and kinz! She is beautiful! I cant wait to meet her!

AMBER said...

Awe! Kinsey she is so cute! yay. Congrats!

shabbyscrapper said...

what an adorable baby! she is sooo cute!! it sounds like things went well, i am glad. i can't wait to see baby kambree in person. let me know if you need anything...i am just around the corner!

take it easy, jenny