Sunday, March 23, 2008


So, today was a busy day. We started off going to church in the mornin, we got Wesley a cute church outfit with tie and vest, so cute!Than right after, we headed to Phoenix where we were celebrating Robbie's grandpa's 80th birthday and Easter with his whole family. It was a lot of fun, they are fun to visit with, especially since we don't see them very often.
After getting home and resting for an hour or so we headed over to my mom's house and had dinner and did an Easter egg hunt with the kids, it was fun and Wes even had fun running around outside with the kids.
So, he was ready for bed when we got home, which is great!


AMBER said...

Sounds like you had a great time :D Wesley is getting so big :D and CUTE!

The Williamson's said...

Hey! I know its been so long since I have been down to the shop I need to go visit some time. Your little boy is cute!

Tairi said...

His easter outfit is so cute! How is my preggo kinz doing? i still LOVE my hair!